
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Snoop Bloggy Blogg....  The bomb, the bomb...

Nothing like a little pre-game drinking before the blog to get things started right.  We have three stouts coming your way and these shoulda/ coulda/ woulda be good ones.  The first one is one of those hard to find ones that sells out in 15 minutes.  Being the dedicated beer tester that I am, I got up early and bought some Goose Island Bourbon County Stout on the morning after Thanksgiving.  I am keeping the other bottle I bought until at least next year before I drink it.  But we are having the first tonight.  Hopefully, it will be good.

Brewer:  Goose Island
Beer Name:  Bourbon County Stout
Beer Style:  Imperial Stout
Price:  $7.99 for a pint bottle.

Appearance:  Dark and not see through at all.   Michelle says it has a wine look to it. I'm thinking dirty motor oil.

Aroma:  It smells like bourbon.  Shockingly enough.  With a slight hint of bourbon.  I'm going to say don't smell it if you don't bourbon.

Mouthfeel:  Tingly.  Very jumpyninnyour mouth.  A lot going on.

Taste:  John says he likes the backtaste more then the front taste.  John says it changes from bourbon to stout all in your mouth.  Michelle (John's wife)  is tasting with us.  She says she avoids the back at all costs.  I'm not making this up.  This is one complex beer here.  Hints of whiskey (and by hints I mean like a straight up shot), prunes, blackberry, anise, caramel, vanilla, WHISKEY.  I hate bourbon but this really isn't bad.  It's definitely worth trying; even if you don't like bourbon.  I would enourage you to drink it very slowly though.  Its 15% and I think that may be an understatement.  I think it's like Everclearish percentage. 

Stress is known to reside in your left eye.  Just FYI. 

Overall rating:  Michelle says 4.2.  John says 4.5.  He says he loves the way it changes tastes in your mouth.  I say 4.0.  It may be the best Imperial stout I have heard.

Next one:

This one comes from Goose for my XMas present.  Word up Goose.

Brewer:  4 Hands
Beer Name:  Blackberry Chocolate Milk Stout
Beer Style:  Stout
Price:  ?  Ask Goose.

Appearance:  Looks slightly purple.  Dark and mostly not see through.  Michelle says coffee-like.  John says very dark.

Aroma:  Smells like Chocolate Milk Stout w/ a slight hint of blackberries.  Call me Captain Obvious.  Michelle detects coffee.  John says caramel.  I'm smelling blackberries. 

Mouthfeel:  Not much happening.  It is slightly sour so it makes you want to pucker a little bit. 

Taste:  This is fricking delicious.  I mean fantastic.  I know I'm slightly intoxicated and should maybe rerate at a later date but this is delightful.  I don't even like blackberrries but the slightly tart flavor pumps up the chocolate in what I think is the best beer out there.  Since Sam's started selling the regular chocolate milk stout in 12 packs for $14, I have been drinking the 4Hands like it's Bud Lite. Michelle says she enjoyed it even though she doesn't usually like stouts.  John says pretty good.  It's a good twist on the chocloate milk stout. 

Overall rating:  John says 4.25.  I'm going 4.5.  Its close to perfect.  But I can't in good conscience rrate it better then the chocolate milk stout.  They are all delicious.  Michelle says 3.85. 

I was going to also drink the Gingerbread Chocolate Milk Stout tonight but John is lit.  Going to bed. 

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