
Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Night Beer Fights Episode Three (Part Two)

Part Two!!!!!!!!! We have two new guests for this round. My brother-in-law Eric and his friend Greer from Cincinnati. Greer is a true beer connoisseur. He is a true professional so pay attention. He will have a TV show on the beer network some day. You watch. As for the beer, in honor of Eric's red hair, I figured it would appropriate to do two Irish red's (and Eric is a Nebraska fan so the red goes with his gay football team fetish. Whatever.)

The first beer: Samuel Adams Irish Red
Brewer: Duh...
Name: Sam Adams Irish Red
Style: Irish Red Beer Again, for anyone that missed it, we're drinking Irish Red beer.

Appearance: Dark Red (wow- deep...), clear.

Smell: Somewhat sweet, very light. Eric says: Makes him feel like a real Irishman. Eric adds it reminds him of his college abode after a party when he picked up the beer cans and was overwhelmed by the old beer smell.

Taste: Slightly sweet. Eric says it tastes like a dark beer; bittersweet symphony of life in his mouth.

Drinkability: Eric says not buying soon. I would buy this again. As with all Sam Adams, it is the easy, safe road of beers. Not many twists and turns but no chance of a 12 car pileup either.

Score: Eric says 2.7. Not the best beer ever. I say a 3.5. Greer says 2. Not bad; Greer prefers the Boston Lager. Eric says vaJJ beer.

The Second Beer: Schlafly's Extra Stout Irish Red.
Brewer: Schlafly's
Name: Extra Stout Irish Red:
Style: Stout/ Irish Red

Appearance: Greer says blacker then a struck match. I concur without the racial undertones. Karla says "superdark".

Smell: Greer says slight coffee, maybe some caramel. I smell smoke. Definitely, some smoke somewhere. Eric says "smells like stout." Eric is not exactly sober at the moment.

Taste: Greer says roasted hops, caramel, coffee, a little soapy. I say buttery, smoky, stoutish but with a slight Irish feel to it. Not quite as harsh as most stouts but you are drinking a heavyweight. Eric says "really, really stout."

Mouthfeel: Greer says smooth, Belgian feel to it. I say definitely a beer here. Nice, full feel.

Drinkability: Greer says not much; dessert beer; only with a light dessert; perhaps creme' brulee' or French Vanilla ice cream. I'm going not much; if ever.

Score: Greer says 3. I'm going 2.5. Too smoky for me but not undrinkable. Eric says 3; good but not as good as Guinness.

And in a photofinish, the Schlafly's wins again!!! They are 3-0 and I better score some scwag pretty soon or this Schlafly's love fest is coming to an end.

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