
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Pre-End of school end of school blog

So its the weekend before I get out of school for the summer.  Normally, that means next weekend is a full blog.  However, I am packing up the family truckster and heading to DC, NY, and Boston with the family for vacation.  So no beer blog next weekend.  Therefore, BEER BLOG TONIGHT!!!

My advice to everyone is to grab the bagpipes, pu ton the kilt and get ready.  Out of the gate is four scotch ales.  My personal favorite beer style is in full effect to get this one started.  As usual, my blog co-author is here and ready to go.  Welcome to John who looks less then excited to start thisone off (I think he just saw the ABU for the first beer).

BEER NAME:  Lagunitas Dave Murray's Scotch Ale
BREWER:  Lagnitas
BEER STYLE:  Scotch Ale
PRICE:  $10 for  a six pack maybe?  Bought it a few weeks ago and can't remember.

Appearance:  A perfect translucent brown with slight lacing, rich head.  This beer screams scotch ale just looking at it.  John says a dark amber.

Mouthfeel:  Slightly tingly.  The taste is smooth,fresh, and delicious.  John says nice and smooth.

Aroma:  Caramel.  Fresh caramel.  Malt.  Not overpowering.  My wife says it smells like perfume.  Escape by Brittany to be exact.

Taste:  Guest taster Michelle just took a sip and it looked like she ate a platefull of donkey doo.  And she says it has a strong poo flavor.  Obviously it clashes with her Coors Light and olive martini.  Not a pretty picture.  By the way, California knows how to party (as does Wentzville).  John says it takes a little getting used to.  Admittedly, he is not a huge scotch ale fan.  I think it is delicious.  It may be the best strong beer I have ever had.  It would be the perfect one beer before bed beer.  Outstanding.(9.5%).  By the way, my wife just tried it and vomited on the spot.  She says it tastes terrible.

Overall Rating:   Michelle says 1.  John says 3.  I say about a 4.75.  This is one of the best beers I have had.  Strong start.

LEFT TURN:  John says no more scotch ale so we are switching gears.  Luckily, I am prepared.  On to beer #2:

BEER NAME:  Schlafley Coconut Cream Ale
BREWER:  Schlafley
PRICE:  $10 for a six pack

Appearance:  A very light yellow.  Clearish.  John is leaning toward cloudy.  It is dark out so maybe this isn't the most reliable information.  Thinking sparkling apple juice.

Mouthfeel:  Tingly.  Smooth.  Very light and bubbly.  Almost champagney.  John says light and bubbly as well.

Aroma:  Surprisingly, a hint of coconut.  Not much really.  I am surprised.

Taste:  Michelle says she likes this one.  A little fruity.  John says sweet with a smooth refreshing tatse.  Not scotch ale sweet; a good sweet.  I say it is delicious as well.  I have had a 6 pack.

Overall Rating:  John says a 4.  I say a 4 also.  Very good summer beer.  I could drink this by the pool all day long if my tab wouldn't be $40 for doing so.  Delicious.

We are going to quit.  John is calling for the Coors lite.

Until next time.