
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Back for more!!!

After a long delay, I'm ready to get back to it. With the World Cup ending and the summer heat being unbearable, what better time to try new beer? I picked up some new IPAs at Friar Tucks and since golf was rained out tonight, no better time that I can think of.

Here it is:
Beer Name: Southern Tier IPA
Brewer: Southern Tier
Beer Style: India Pale Ale
Price $7.99/ six pack

Appearance: Medium Amber, good head and lacing in the glass. A very nice looking beer.

Smell: As most IPA's, the hops are the prevailing taste and smell. If you don't like bitter tastes, then IPA's probably aren't for you. This is a beer with character and a very crisp aroma.

Mouthfeel: Very similar to an ale, slightly watery but overall not bad. Could be slightly heavier in my opinion but this is a fairly light IPA.

Taste: Outstanding. A fine, hoppy, crisp, slightly bitter man's beer. this isn't for Bud Light drinkers. You have beer taste ion your mouth for a good 30 seconds after a drink. I don't think I could drink this during the heat of the day but as a drink with BBQ or a steak, this would be perfect. I would recommend everyone try something similar to this just for the exposure. It is an eye-opening experience.

Overall rating: 4.5. I like the beer but it is slightly mellow for an IPA and I want super-bold, in your face hops when I drink an IPA. This would be an excellent beer to broaden your horizons with but I doubt that many seasoned IPA drinkers have this with dinner every night. Still a very good beer that I would recommend to anyone.

Next up Kevin Porter has requested a full review on Old English 800. As soon as he brings me some, I'll review it. Nothing like a little charcoal filtering to grow the chest hair (and back hair and between-the-toes hair, etc). So, for those of you who have never experienced that wonderful flavor, the review should be entertaining.